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What is the Difference between IPv4 And IPv6?.

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The full description of the IP address is Internet Protocol. We all have Internet access on our phones. Every phone or computer will have this IP address. This is a numeric address. This is called, the identifier of a computer or device. All devices will use the IP address for the telecommunication service.

The IP address consists of two parts. 
that is,
  • A Network address.
  • Host address.
And there are two types. 
  • IPv4.
  • IPv6.
Let us first look at these two types of IP addresses. Then we will see the differences between these.

IPV4(Internet Protocol version 4).

This is the most widely used IP address at present. IPv4 can be divided into a 32-bit numeric address and 4 periods. Those periods are called octet.
For example:
The difference between IPv4 and IPv6
This octet is designed to range only from 0 to 255. With this address that it is possible to create almost 4 billion(4,294,967,296)unique address. This numerical address cannot be read by the computer and network. So, the computer or network will convert this numerical address to binary number format. binary numbers have only 0's and 1's. 
An IP address is divided into 4 sets and an 8-bit octet.
For example:01000010.01011110.00011101.00001101

First, we need to start from the right side. From 1 to 128 is enough for us. If 1 is mentioned below in the above chart it will be represented as count. If it is specified as 0, it will be represented as does not count.

Thus we need to find the correct binary value for each octet by putting 1 and 0 under the chart. For example,
                     Octet number is
We should find an octet for this numeric address.
For 42,
The difference between IPv4 and IPv6

To find 42 in the above chart, we need to add the correct numbers. After finding the correct numbers, specify 1 below it. Similarly, we need to find the binary value for octet 24, 202, 38.
The difference between IPv4 and IPv6
These are the binary numbers for a given octet value.

Introduction for IPV6.

Developers do not know how big it will be when they first developed the Internet. What they thought was that the 4 billion address generated by IPv4 was enough. It ended up wrong.
IPv6 was developed as the next generation of IPv4.

Difference Between IPv4 vs IPv6.

The main difference between IPv4 and IPv6 is the length of the IP address. That is, a Numerical IP Address with 32 BIT is used in IPv4 and a Hexadecimal Address with 128 BIT is used in IPv6.

Let's see clearly about ipv6,

IPv6(Internet Protocol Version 6)

The hexadecimal address used by IPv6. Hexa decimal address contains the alphabet and numbers. Example.7BCD.8CAD.9ACD.5FDA.0000.ACAD.67A2.9DC6.
With this IPv6 we can generate an incredible 340 undecillion address. That means it can create a 39 digit IP address. This will give enough IP address for the future.
This 128-bit hexadecimal address can be divided into 8 sets and 16 bits.
Example: 0011000001110111.0011000000001000.0011000001001000.0011000001101000.0011000001111000.0011000001110000.0011000001110100.0011000001110110.

First, divide the given 16-bit address into four. We need to change this binary address just like we did in IP v4. We will take the first binary address and separate it into 4 bits.
The difference between IPv4 and IPv6
Put it on the chart as above and find the correct address. Then you have to find it all like that.
incase If you find it to be a double-digit number you must specify it in the alphabet. For that, we need to use another chart.
The difference between IPv4 and IPv6
Chart for Double-Digit Address 
The difference between IPv4 and IPv6

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